

2019.3 K. Hoffmann, M.L. Pedersen and S.O. Hansen: “Codified procedure for buffeting response of buildings and bridges”. ICWE15, September 2019. Beijing, China.
2019.2 F. Lupi, R. Höffer, M.H. Christensen, K. Hoffmann and S.O. Hansen: “Experimental determination of aerodynamic damping for vortex-induced vibrations of circular cylinders”. ICWE15, September 2019. Beijing, China.
2019.1 L. Tophøj and S.O. Hansen: “A point vortex model for aerodynamic derivatives for tandem multi-deck structures”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 188, 2019, Pages 421-434
2017.3 K. Hoffmann, R.G. Srouji and S.O. Hansen: “Wind effects on long-span bridges: Probabilistic wind data format for buffeting and VIV load assessments”. 1st Conference of Computational Methods in Offshore Technology (COTech 2017), November 2017. Stavanger, Norway.
2017.2 J.S. Knudsen, N. Grathwol and S.O. Hansen: “Vibrational Response of Structures Exposed to Human-induced Loads”. 36th American Conference on Shock, Vibration and Nonlinear Mechanics (IMAC), October 2017. Orlando, USA.
2017.1 R.G. Srouji, K. Hoffmann and S.O. Hansen: “Experimental verification of a generic buffeting load model for high-rise and long-span structures”. 7th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering (EACWE 2017), July 2017. Liège, Belgium.
2016.3 M.S. Andersen, J. Johansson, A. Brandt and S.O. Hansen: “Aerodynamic stability of long span suspension bridges with low torsional natural frequencies”. Engineering Structures, Volume 120, August 2016, Pages 82-91.
2016.2 K. Hoffmann, R.G. Srouji and S.O. Hansen: “Buffeting loads on high-rise and long-span structures”. 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, June 2016. Boston, USA.
2016.1 S.O. Hansen, A.D. Horn and R.G. Srouji: “Wind Actions on Cable-Supported Bridges”. Geotechnical & Structural Engineering Congress, February 2016. Phoenix, USA.
2015.3 K. Hoffmann, J. Tophøj Rasmussen, S.O. Hansen, M. Reiso, B. Isaksen and T. Egeberg Aasland: “The use of wind tunnel facilities to estimate hydrodynamic data”. Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2015, November 2015. Prague, Czech Republic.
2015.2 S.O. Hansen, M.L. Pedersen and J.D. Sørensen: “Probability based calibration of pressure coefficients”. ICWE14, June 2015. Porto Alegre, Brazil.
2015.1 S.O. Hansen, R.G. Srouji, B. Isaksen and K. Berntsen: “Vortex-induced vibrations of streamlined single box girder bridge decks”. ICWE14, June 2015. Porto Alegre, Brazil.
2013.1 S.O. Hansen: “Wind Loading Design Codes” from “Fifty Years of Wind Engineering: Prestige Lectures from the Sixth European and African Conference on Wind Engineering”. The University of Nottingham, University of Birmingham, 2013.
2012.2 O. Frost Hansen, S.O. Hansen and L. Kristensen: “Wind tunnel calibration of cup anemometers”. AWEA Wind Power 2012, June 2012. Atlanta, USA.
2012.1 S.O. Hansen: “Wind tunnel calibration of cup anemometers – reduced uncertainties”. www.sohansen.dk, April 2012.
2007.1 S.O. Hansen: “Vortex-induced vibrations of structures”. Structural Engineers World Congress 2007, November 2-7, 2007. Bangalore, India.
2005.1 Jensen, B.C. and S.O. Hansen: “Bygningsberegninger efter DS 409 og DS 410”, Nyt Teknisk Forlag. March 2005.
2003.1 Co-author on the ATV report on technical initiatives to meet the consequences of future climatological changes. September 2003.
2002.1 Hansen, S.O. and J.D. Sørensen: “Dynamic loads due to synchronized movements of people”. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Munich, Germany, September 2-5, 2002, p. 1217-1222.
2001.2 S.O. Hansen: “Eurocode procedures for predicting vortex excitation”. Proceedings of the 3rd European & African Conference on Wind Engineering, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, July 2-6, 2001.
2001.1 Sørensen, J.D., Hansen, S.O. and T.A. Nielsen: “Calibration of Partial Safety Factors and Target Reliability Level in Danish Structural Codes”. Proceedings of IABSE conference : “Safety, Risk and Reliability – trends in Engineering”, Malta, 2001, p. 179-184.
2000.2 S.O. Hansen: “Design Procedures for Predicting Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Chimneys”. Structural Engineering and Materials. A Centenary Celebration. Department of Structural Engineering and Materials, Technical University of Denmark, 2000, p. 25-34.
2000.1 Mann, J. and S.O. Hansen: “En storm gør ingen norm”. Vejret, Volume 82, February 2000, p. 28-34.
1999.6 S.O. Hansen: “Vortex-induced vibrations of line-like structures”. CICIND Report, Volume 15, Number 1 (1999), p. 15-23.
1999.5 Hansen, S.O.; Thorbek, L.T.; Krenk, S. and J.C. Clenance: “Dynamic response of suspension bridge decks during construction”. Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Wind Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 21-24 (1999), p. 899-906.
1999.4 Kristensen, L.; Rathmann, O. and S.O. Hansen: “Extreme winds in Denmark”. Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Wind Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 21-24 (1999), p. 243-250.
1999.3 Enevoldsen, I.; Pedersen, C.; Hansen, S.O.; Thorbek, L.T. and T. Kvamsdal: “Computational wind simulations for cable-supported bridges”. Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Wind Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 21-24 (1999), p. 1265-1270.
1999.2 Hansen, S.O.; Enevoldsen, I.; Pedersen, C. and L.T. Thorbek: “Practical design perspectives in FSI-simulations of wind load on large bridges”. Proceedings from the International Symposium on Computational Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction, February 15-17 (1999), p. 239-260.
1999.1 Hansen, S.O. and S. Krenk: “Dynamic Along-wind Response of Simple Structures”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 82 (1999), p. 147-171.
1998.2 Strømmen, E.; Hjorth-Hansen, E.; Hansen, S.O. and J. Bogunovic Jacobsen: “Aerodynamic investigations for the tender design concepts of the Øresund cable-stayed bridge”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 1998.
1998.1 Thorbek, L.T. and S.O. Hansen: “Coupled buffeting response of suspension bridges”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 74-76 (1998), p. 839-847.
1996.1 Dyrbye, C. and S.O. Hansen: “Wind Loads on Structures”. John Wiley & Sons. December 1996.
1994.2 Hansen, S.O. and S. Krenk: “Guidelines for Dynamic Alongwind Response”. Technical Note for Task Group on Dynamic Wind Loading, Eurocode 1: Part 2.4 Wind Actions, September 1994.
1994.1 Hansen, S.O. and F. Johnsen: “Vortex-Induced Response of Concrete Chimneys”. Proceedings of CICIND meeting Copenhagen, Denmark, September 9, 1994.
1992.2 S.O. Hansen: “Reliability of Wind Loading on Low-Rise Buildings in a Group”. Department of Structural Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, R300, 1992.
1992.1 Hansen, S.O. and P. Højholt: “Wind Load on Grandstands around the Full Perimeter of a Stadium”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 41-44 (1992), p. 1423-1434.
1989.1 Hansen, S.O. and C. Dyrbye: “Vindlast på bærende konstruktioner”. SBI-anvisning 158. 1989.
1988.1 Dyrbye, C. and S.O. Hansen: “Calculation of Joint Acceptance Function for Line-like Structures”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 31 (1988), p. 351-353.
1987.2 Hansen, S.O. and C. Dyrbye: “Along-Wind Response of Line-like Structures”. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Wind Engineering, 6-10 July, 1987, Aachen, West Germany.
1987.1 Gerstoft, P. and S.O. Hansen: “A New Tubing System for the Measurement of Fluctuating Pressures”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 25 (1987), p. 335-354.
1986.4 Bjerregaard, E.T.D. and S.O. Hansen: “Wind Effects on Semisubmersibles and other Floating Offshore Structures”. Wind Effects on Compliant Offshore Structures. Proceedings of Structures Congress, ASCE, New Orleans, LA, 1986.
1986.3 Hansen, S.O. and E.G. Sørensen: “Static Wind Load Measurements with a 6-Component High Frequency Balance based on Piezoelectric Crystals”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 24 (1986), p. 87-91.
1986.2 Hansen, S.O. and E.G. Sørensen: “The Aylesbury Experiment, Comparison of Model and Full-Scale Tests”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 22 (1986), p. 1-22.
1986.1 S.O. Hansen: “Usikkerheder på bestemmelse af vindlast”. Proceedings. Seminar on Uncertainties Related to the Design and Construction of Offshore Jacket Structures. Danish Society of Hydraulic Engineering. Copenhagen, May 22, 1986.
1985.1 Hansen, S.O. and E.G. Sørensen: “A New Boundary-Layer Wind Tunnel at the Danish Maritime Institute”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 18 (1985), p. 213-224.
1982.1 S.O. Hansen: “Modellering i vindtunnel”. Temadag om stormskader. Vindteknisk Udvalg. Skibsteknisk Laboratorium. November 1982.
1981.1 S.O. Hansen: “Cross-Wind Vibrations of a 130m Tapered Concrete Chimney”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 8 (1981), p. 145-155.
1980.1 S.O. Hansen: “Vindbelastede skorstene, del 1 + 2”. Ph.d. thesis. The Technical University of Denmark, 1980.