2019.3 |
K. Hoffmann, M.L. Pedersen and S.O. Hansen: “Codified procedure for buffeting response of buildings and bridges”. ICWE15, September 2019. Beijing, China. |
2019.2 |
F. Lupi, R. Höffer, M.H. Christensen, K. Hoffmann and S.O. Hansen: “Experimental determination of aerodynamic damping for vortex-induced vibrations of circular cylinders”. ICWE15, September 2019. Beijing, China. |
2019.1 |
L. Tophøj and S.O. Hansen: “A point vortex model for aerodynamic derivatives for tandem multi-deck structures”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 188, 2019, Pages 421-434 |
2017.3 |
K. Hoffmann, R.G. Srouji and S.O. Hansen: “Wind effects on long-span bridges: Probabilistic wind data format for buffeting and VIV load assessments”. 1st Conference of Computational Methods in Offshore Technology (COTech 2017), November 2017. Stavanger, Norway. |
2017.2 |
J.S. Knudsen, N. Grathwol and S.O. Hansen: “Vibrational Response of Structures Exposed to Human-induced Loads”. 36th American Conference on Shock, Vibration and Nonlinear Mechanics (IMAC), October 2017. Orlando, USA. |
2017.1 |
R.G. Srouji, K. Hoffmann and S.O. Hansen: “Experimental verification of a generic buffeting load model for high-rise and long-span structures”. 7th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering (EACWE 2017), July 2017. Liège, Belgium. |
2016.3 |
M.S. Andersen, J. Johansson, A. Brandt and S.O. Hansen: “Aerodynamic stability of long span suspension bridges with low torsional natural frequencies”. Engineering Structures, Volume 120, August 2016, Pages 82-91. |
2016.2 |
K. Hoffmann, R.G. Srouji and S.O. Hansen: “Buffeting loads on high-rise and long-span structures”. 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, June 2016. Boston, USA. |
2016.1 |
S.O. Hansen, A.D. Horn and R.G. Srouji: “Wind Actions on Cable-Supported Bridges”. Geotechnical & Structural Engineering Congress, February 2016. Phoenix, USA. |
2015.3 |
K. Hoffmann, J. Tophøj Rasmussen, S.O. Hansen, M. Reiso, B. Isaksen and T. Egeberg Aasland: “The use of wind tunnel facilities to estimate hydrodynamic data”. Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2015, November 2015. Prague, Czech Republic. |
2015.2 |
S.O. Hansen, M.L. Pedersen and J.D. Sørensen: “Probability based calibration of pressure coefficients”. ICWE14, June 2015. Porto Alegre, Brazil. |
2015.1 |
S.O. Hansen, R.G. Srouji, B. Isaksen and K. Berntsen: “Vortex-induced vibrations of streamlined single box girder bridge decks”. ICWE14, June 2015. Porto Alegre, Brazil. |
2013.1 |
S.O. Hansen: “Wind Loading Design Codes” from “Fifty Years of Wind Engineering: Prestige Lectures from the Sixth European and African Conference on Wind Engineering”. The University of Nottingham, University of Birmingham, 2013. |
2012.2 |
O. Frost Hansen, S.O. Hansen and L. Kristensen: “Wind tunnel calibration of cup anemometers”. AWEA Wind Power 2012, June 2012. Atlanta, USA. |
2012.1 |
S.O. Hansen: “Wind tunnel calibration of cup anemometers – reduced uncertainties”. www.sohansen.dk, April 2012. |
2007.1 |
S.O. Hansen: “Vortex-induced vibrations of structures”. Structural Engineers World Congress 2007, November 2-7, 2007. Bangalore, India. |
2005.1 |
Jensen, B.C. and S.O. Hansen: “Bygningsberegninger efter DS 409 og DS 410”, Nyt Teknisk Forlag. March 2005. |
2003.1 |
Co-author on the ATV report on technical initiatives to meet the consequences of future climatological changes. September 2003. |
2002.1 |
Hansen, S.O. and J.D. Sørensen: “Dynamic loads due to synchronized movements of people”. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Munich, Germany, September 2-5, 2002, p. 1217-1222. |
2001.2 |
S.O. Hansen: “Eurocode procedures for predicting vortex excitation”. Proceedings of the 3rd European & African Conference on Wind Engineering, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, July 2-6, 2001. |
2001.1 |
Sørensen, J.D., Hansen, S.O. and T.A. Nielsen: “Calibration of Partial Safety Factors and Target Reliability Level in Danish Structural Codes”. Proceedings of IABSE conference : “Safety, Risk and Reliability – trends in Engineering”, Malta, 2001, p. 179-184. |
2000.2 |
S.O. Hansen: “Design Procedures for Predicting Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Chimneys”. Structural Engineering and Materials. A Centenary Celebration. Department of Structural Engineering and Materials, Technical University of Denmark, 2000, p. 25-34. |
2000.1 |
Mann, J. and S.O. Hansen: “En storm gør ingen norm”. Vejret, Volume 82, February 2000, p. 28-34. |
1999.6 |
S.O. Hansen: “Vortex-induced vibrations of line-like structures”. CICIND Report, Volume 15, Number 1 (1999), p. 15-23. |
1999.5 |
Hansen, S.O.; Thorbek, L.T.; Krenk, S. and J.C. Clenance: “Dynamic response of suspension bridge decks during construction”. Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Wind Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 21-24 (1999), p. 899-906. |
1999.4 |
Kristensen, L.; Rathmann, O. and S.O. Hansen: “Extreme winds in Denmark”. Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Wind Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 21-24 (1999), p. 243-250. |
1999.3 |
Enevoldsen, I.; Pedersen, C.; Hansen, S.O.; Thorbek, L.T. and T. Kvamsdal: “Computational wind simulations for cable-supported bridges”. Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Wind Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 21-24 (1999), p. 1265-1270. |
1999.2 |
Hansen, S.O.; Enevoldsen, I.; Pedersen, C. and L.T. Thorbek: “Practical design perspectives in FSI-simulations of wind load on large bridges”. Proceedings from the International Symposium on Computational Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction, February 15-17 (1999), p. 239-260. |
1999.1 |
Hansen, S.O. and S. Krenk: “Dynamic Along-wind Response of Simple Structures”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 82 (1999), p. 147-171. |
1998.2 |
Strømmen, E.; Hjorth-Hansen, E.; Hansen, S.O. and J. Bogunovic Jacobsen: “Aerodynamic investigations for the tender design concepts of the Øresund cable-stayed bridge”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 1998. |
1998.1 |
Thorbek, L.T. and S.O. Hansen: “Coupled buffeting response of suspension bridges”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 74-76 (1998), p. 839-847. |
1996.1 |
Dyrbye, C. and S.O. Hansen: “Wind Loads on Structures”. John Wiley & Sons. December 1996. |
1994.2 |
Hansen, S.O. and S. Krenk: “Guidelines for Dynamic Alongwind Response”. Technical Note for Task Group on Dynamic Wind Loading, Eurocode 1: Part 2.4 Wind Actions, September 1994. |
1994.1 |
Hansen, S.O. and F. Johnsen: “Vortex-Induced Response of Concrete Chimneys”. Proceedings of CICIND meeting Copenhagen, Denmark, September 9, 1994. |
1992.2 |
S.O. Hansen: “Reliability of Wind Loading on Low-Rise Buildings in a Group”. Department of Structural Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, R300, 1992. |
1992.1 |
Hansen, S.O. and P. Højholt: “Wind Load on Grandstands around the Full Perimeter of a Stadium”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 41-44 (1992), p. 1423-1434. |
1989.1 |
Hansen, S.O. and C. Dyrbye: “Vindlast på bærende konstruktioner”. SBI-anvisning 158. 1989. |
1988.1 |
Dyrbye, C. and S.O. Hansen: “Calculation of Joint Acceptance Function for Line-like Structures”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 31 (1988), p. 351-353. |
1987.2 |
Hansen, S.O. and C. Dyrbye: “Along-Wind Response of Line-like Structures”. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Wind Engineering, 6-10 July, 1987, Aachen, West Germany. |
1987.1 |
Gerstoft, P. and S.O. Hansen: “A New Tubing System for the Measurement of Fluctuating Pressures”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 25 (1987), p. 335-354. |
1986.4 |
Bjerregaard, E.T.D. and S.O. Hansen: “Wind Effects on Semisubmersibles and other Floating Offshore Structures”. Wind Effects on Compliant Offshore Structures. Proceedings of Structures Congress, ASCE, New Orleans, LA, 1986. |
1986.3 |
Hansen, S.O. and E.G. Sørensen: “Static Wind Load Measurements with a 6-Component High Frequency Balance based on Piezoelectric Crystals”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 24 (1986), p. 87-91. |
1986.2 |
Hansen, S.O. and E.G. Sørensen: “The Aylesbury Experiment, Comparison of Model and Full-Scale Tests”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 22 (1986), p. 1-22. |
1986.1 |
S.O. Hansen: “Usikkerheder på bestemmelse af vindlast”. Proceedings. Seminar on Uncertainties Related to the Design and Construction of Offshore Jacket Structures. Danish Society of Hydraulic Engineering. Copenhagen, May 22, 1986. |
1985.1 |
Hansen, S.O. and E.G. Sørensen: “A New Boundary-Layer Wind Tunnel at the Danish Maritime Institute”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 18 (1985), p. 213-224. |
1982.1 |
S.O. Hansen: “Modellering i vindtunnel”. Temadag om stormskader. Vindteknisk Udvalg. Skibsteknisk Laboratorium. November 1982. |
1981.1 |
S.O. Hansen: “Cross-Wind Vibrations of a 130m Tapered Concrete Chimney”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 8 (1981), p. 145-155. |
1980.1 |
S.O. Hansen: “Vindbelastede skorstene, del 1 + 2”. Ph.d. thesis. The Technical University of Denmark, 1980. |