Wave And Wind Actions On Offshore Structures
Offshore structures are highly susceptible to environmental loads induced by wind, water and current. Therefore, an accurate determination of the environmental loads is a key part of the design of offshore structures. Svend Ole Hansen ApS has been involved in numerous projects related to the determination of environmental loads on offshore structures and advanced models for both wind and wave loads have been applied in the projects.
The complexity of wave and structure interaction and the probabilistic nature of waves, make the task of determining design loads very complicated. This means that the design loads are usually determined either through extensive use of codes and standards, through model tests or through the use of advanced theoretical models and a probabilistic treatment. Svend Ole Hansen ApS has developed very accurate design tools to determine the wave and structure interaction related to vortex-induced vibrations.
Svend Ole Hansen ApS offers consultancy services in all areas concerning wind actions on offshore structures. Dynamic effects become very important due to the large wind loads on often light and slender offshore structures.
Apart from static and dynamic wind loads, aero elastic effects in form of vibrations induced by vortex shedding and galloping are also part of the service portfolio. The treatment of aero elastic effects requires, besides aerodynamic knowledge, thorough analyses and understanding of structural dynamics. The dynamics of slender girder structures often found at offshore sites, may include advanced effects such as dynamic interaction between wind actions and machine-induced vibrations, parametric excitation etc.
Svend Ole Hansen ApS uses several tools for the structural and dynamic analysis of offshore structures. For linear finite element analysis GT Strudl is used, while Abaqus and Nastran are used for non-linear finite element analysis and other more complicated applications. Often, the results obtained using different models are either validated by or based on actual measurements. Several of Svend Ole Hansen’s staff have taken relevant offshore safety courses and are able to attend offshore installations and perform measurements with very short notice.