
Wind Environment

The comfort experienced in an outdoor space highly depends on the wind environment. The importance of the wind environment should therefore not be neglected, when the aim is to achieve a pleasant outdoor space. If an area is designed to be used for e.g. an outdoor cafe, it is important that the wind environment is pleasant even for long-term sitting at a great part of the year. To ensure that the wind environment at a site fulfils the requirements, wind environment analyses have to be a part of the early design phase of a building site.

Svend Ole Hansen ApS offers consultancy service in the design phase of building sites concerning the wind environment in the outdoor spaces of the sites.

In an analysis of wind environment at a site, requirements and expectations to the wind conditions are specified and the wind environment is evaluated accordingly. Possibly required initiatives to achieve the desired wind environment are determined in the analysis.

To analyse the wind environment at a site Svend Ole Hansen ApS carries out wind tunnel tests with scale models of the buildings at the particular site with the closest neighbouring buildings. The wind tunnel tests can be either visual tests or wind velocity measuring tests. A visual test is used as a basis for a general evaluation of the wind environment and to point out the critical areas. A measuring test, where the wind velocities are measured in selected points at the site, gives a more specific analysis of the wind environment. CFD-analyses may also be used to determine the wind environment at a site.

Categorizing acceptable wind environment for helicopters landing and take-off as well as the airflow induced by helicopters are part of the experience.

Svend Ole Hansen ApS uses well-accepted criteria to categorise the wind environment at a site.